Harvest and Berries

Spring Tree
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Tanga berry20normal
Rindo berry20normal
Wepear berry50rare
Durin berry50rare
Rosy Periwinkle
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Occa berry20normal
Cheri berry20normal
Haban berry20normal
Chople berry20normal
Leppa berry20normal
Roseli berry20normal
Pecha berry20normal
Razz berry80rare
Banana Tree
* Berry Level Premium Chance
banana10very easy
Cherry Tree
* Berry Level Premium Chance
lovely powder50very easy
Autumn Tree
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Chilan berry20normal
Sitrus berry20normal
Persim berry20normal
Nanab berry50rare
Spring Berry Bush
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Kebia berry20normal
Babiri berry20normal
Lum berry20normal
Salac berry50rare
Summer Berry Bush
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Wacan berry20normal
Passho berry20normal
Charti berry20normal
Shuca berry20normal
Pinap berry30normal
Watmel berry60very rare
Western Spice Bush
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Occa berry20normal
Leppa berry20normal
Roseli berry20normal
Pecha berry20normal
Chople berry20normal
Cheri berry20normal
Haban berry20normal
Razz berry80rare
Bush Anemone
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Aspear berry20normal
Liechi berry30rare
Mophead Hydrangea
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Coba berry20normal
Yache berry20normal
Rawst berry20normal
Rose Orange Climber
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Occa berry20normal
Chople berry20normal
Cheri berry20normal
Haban berry20normal
Pecha berry20normal
Leppa berry20normal
Roseli berry20normal
Razz berry80rare
Camellia Bush
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Kasib berry20normal
Colbur berry20normal
Payapa berry20normal
Branch Of Rockrose
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Chesto berry20normal
Cornn berry80very rare
Ganlon berry80rare
Pamtre berry80very rare
Bluk berry80very rare
Belue berry100very rare
Branch Of Gardenia
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Aspear berry20normal
Liechi berry30rare
Branch Of Harvestbell
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Coba berry20normal
Yache berry20normal
Rawst berry20normal
Branch Of Marigold
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Occa berry20normal
Pecha berry20normal
Leppa berry20normal
Roseli berry20normal
Haban berry20normal
Chople berry20normal
Cheri berry20normal
Razz berry80rare
Branch Of Gladiolus
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Kasib berry20normal
Colbur berry20normal
Payapa berry20normal
Branch Of Lantana
* Berry Level Premium Chance
Kasib berry20normal
Colbur berry20normal
Payapa berry20normal

* Berry Cooldown Effect
Aspear berry
00:00:45 Cures frozen solid status condition.
Babiri berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to steel type moves during 3 minutes.
Belue berry
01:00:00 Gains 20% extra loot rate for the next 30 minutes. This effect will only works while the user is in party.
Bluk berry
00:10:00 Your Pokemon gains 20% extra max HP during the next 5 minutes.
Charti berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to rock type moves during 3 minutes.
Cheri berry
00:00:45 Cures paralyze status condition.
Chesto berry
00:00:45 Cures sleep status condition.
Chilan berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to normal type moves during 3 minutes.
Chople berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to fight type moves during 3 minutes.
Coba berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to flying type moves during 3 minutes.
Colbur berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to dark type moves during 3 minutes.
Cornn berry
00:25:00 Gains 15% extra loot rate for the next 10 minutes.
Durin berry
00:03:00 Gains immunity to paralyze status condition for the next minute.
Ganlon berry
00:05:00 Gains 15% extra damage reduction for the next 2 minutes. Only usable at 30% of HP or lower.
Haban berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to dragon type moves during 3 minutes.
Kasib berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to ghost type moves during 3 minutes.
Kebia berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to poison type moves during 3 minutes.
Leppa berry
00:00:45 Heals your Pokemon for 500 HP.
Liechi berry
00:05:00 Gains 10% extra damage for the next 2 minutes. Only usable at 30% of HP or lower.
Lum berry
00:00:45 Cures status conditions.
Nanab berry
00:10:00 Boosts fishing chance during the next 5 minutes.
Occa berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to fire type moves during 3 minutes.
Pamtre berry
00:10:00 Fish two Pokemon instead of one during the next 5 minutes.
Passho berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to water type moves during 3 minutes.
Payapa berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to psychic type moves during 3 minutes.
Pecha berry
00:00:45 Cures poison status condition.
Persim berry
00:00:45 Cures confusion status condition.
Pinap berry
00:15:00 Reduces cooldown for harvest by 30 seconds during the next 10 minutes.
Rawst berry
00:00:45 Cures burn status condition.
Razz berry
00:04:00 Adds an extra 0.1 to the ball multiplier for the next 3 minutes.
Rindo berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to grass type moves during 3 minutes.
Roseli berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to fairy type moves during 3 minutes.
Salac berry
00:05:00 Gains +100 movement speed for the next 3 minutes. Only usable at 30% of HP or lower.
Shuca berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to ground type moves during 3 minutes.
Sitrus berry
00:00:20 Heals your Pokemon for 5% of its max HP.
Tanga berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to bug type moves during 3 minutes.
Wacan berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to electric type moves during 3 minutes.
Watmel berry
00:05:00 Your Pokemon gains immunity to stuns for the next 3 minutes.
Wepear berry
00:10:00 Your Pokemon becomes neutral to its weaknesses for the next 5 minutes.
Yache berry
00:03:00 Gives 10% extra resistance to ice type moves during 3 minutes.